Jonathan Patro, a true stock market insider with over 20 years experience on Wall Street, trading and managing money for some of the most highly sought after private funds, and consulting for major institutions. For many years his talent was kept under wraps, horded by those with enough money to pay for it. During the start of the current financial turmoil Jonathan advised his clients to exit the markets, enter cash, short real estate, and financial stocks. Many listened, few did not. Those few who failed to adhere to the expert opinion of whom they trusted for decades, are no longer in existence today and many have walked away from the devastation they caused. We are delighted to bring this incredible talent, Jonathan Patro, to the public today. Based on Jonathan's personal distaste for the industry and those who control and utilize the economy as their own personal greed driven puppet has encouraged him to step out from behind the scenes and help the public. He will now reveal to the public his most coveted analysis, tools, and market guidance which has made him and those he worked for billions.
In Jonathan's own words, “I have become thoroughly disgusted with individuals who have claimed to be my peers. I have made these individuals billions over past decades, they listened to my every word, always followed my advice. Only when my attempts at stifling their enormous greed failed, I knew the game was coming to an end – for the time being. The same individuals who knowingly continued practices which they were fully aware would have dire consequences on the general public, yet continued to feed their personal greed and exploit the system without regard – this mentality I cannot associate with any longer. I have since stepped out of the world of secrets, manipulating markets, and greed. Today my efforts will consist of empowering the average investor, supplying them with the fighting chance they need to succeed against these heartless, greed driven giants.”
The Stock Market Insider, Jonathan Patro invites you to join him as he enlightens the average investor/trader and guides subscribers to the path of making money, profiting from the games and manipulation played by the big boys!
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