Welcome back to my public viewership. Insider Report Subscribers, well you know the routine. This has been and will remain an incredible short term market. The day trades have been nothing short of prosperous, the multi day swing trades have also been stupendous. Do not expect this to change.
The moves in this market have been surprisingly easy to determine. Do not mistake that ease for lack of caution or awareness. When QE kicks in, POMO pays out, speeches are made, the "banks" continue to receive free money from the tax payer or should I say Government printing press, holidays, weekends, options ex... this list goes on, the point is these events cause clear reactions in the markets. You need to understand this and why because this is EXACTLY how those in the know (not the average investor, not even your uncle who is worth 50m) profit and will continue to do so. Take this food for thought, banks today can simply operate their businesses without doing anything and make a profit. They do not need to offer you any kind of return on your savings accounts, why when they are getting money for free. All they have to do is operate their credit card businesses, take in fees and sit back while the profits roll in. Ask yourself this, what really has the Federal Reserve been doing? Well I will tell you now their main purpose and intention; manipulate the markets enough in order to inflate asset prices. Why would the Federal Reserve want to inflate asset prices? Simply, inflated asset prices increase the perceived wealth of the public. When the average American sees their 401k moving higher they are much more likely to spend money. This spending of money then causes more of a perceived recovery in itself; in effect the Federal Reserve is attempting to jump start the economy by pushing assets higher artificially. Why then is this a bad thing? Consider what is happening, the inflation of asset prices is caused in part by pumping massive amounts of money into the system and pushing the U.S. Dollar lower. In reality, the public is gaining little to no real wealth. As the Dollar drops 10%, the markets have increased approximately that amount. The average American again, only notices the return on their investment not the reality of the true lack of wealth.
My greatest challenge is informing those who choose to better their lives on the facts, that way we can together take our nice piece out of the manipulated pie. You should not sit on the side lines and think your best interests are in the realm of this administration, or much worse the FEW major banks who once again have far more control then ever. Instead take this as your time to make more money then you thought possible. It is possible, and this is the time when those few who inform themselves on what is actually happening learn to profit from it.
I will offer you all of my knowledge from years of playing these games myself. Join the Insider Report and gain your edge now.